Exterior House Staining & Painting
The key to a properly protected and preserved deck is a good staining job. This entails far more than just slapping on the cheapest stain you can get and hoping it lasts. At Lawlor Painting and Property Services we know that the key to a great stain job is to take the time necessary to properly prepare your deck. This will allow the top-quality stain we will apply to full penetrate and adhere to your surface. The result is a deck color that will last. We will also give you recommendations for the proper care and maintenance of your deck as this is also an important step.
Put our experience staining decks and houses to work for you. We have been staining all over Greene, Columbia, Albany, and Ulster counties for years and have the pictures to prove it. Give us a call today to find out what we can do for you!
Put our experience staining decks and houses to work for you. We have been staining all over Greene, Columbia, Albany, and Ulster counties for years and have the pictures to prove it. Give us a call today to find out what we can do for you!